HCMC Christmas toy donation where we bring them no less than a truck load of toys for the children on the children’s ward. Since 2022, this has become a mission that The St Croix Valley Riders have passionately and diligently taken on. Although we can’t see the children when we deliver these donated toys, we have seen the tears in the staffs eyes. We can only imagine the smiles on the children’s faces, and that is why we do what we do.
The Toys are collected at our Annual Kids Christmas Party. This is held at the St Paul Park American Legion every year. Anywhere from 75 to 150 families show up for the “Free toys” of course. And we also have Santa Clause, a motorcycle for family photo opportunities, cookies that kids can decorate, crafts and projects to help keep kids busy and creative, St Paul Park Fire department fire engine rides and plenty of interaction with volunteers and SCVR members/leadership. Watch the events page at stcroixvalleyriders.org for that event information and, of course, other events we hold for the year.